Thursday, April 21, 2011

Modern Day Idols ~ Part 2

When I think of idol worship, I think of Old Testament worship of graven images or statues, but God is faithful to teach me that idol worship begins in the heart and is a part of every generation. 
The year is 2011 and viewing life on American soil, the worship of idols or anything other than God is everywhere...even the church.  We are to be the salt of the earth and a light on a hilltop, but I am afraid to say, that I don't see much difference in the believer and the unbeliever when it comes down to the everyday. 
I am thankful for those whom I have met that go against the modern day idols of finding love and worth and purpose.  I am thankful for my older sisters in the faith who encourage me in the principles of the past.  Sometimes I am not even aware of my own idol worship until someone points out a different way of thinking. 
Being a mother of three, I observe daily the choices of other mothers and women around me.  The Lord weighs me spirit and I question my walk with the Lord, "Am I running after modern day idols, too?  Am I really walking in the light and how can I tell if I am doing Your will, Lord?"  
And so, I watch.  I listen.  I look for the woman who has the joy of the Lord.  She talks about His presence and all that He is teaching her in her role as mother.  She is molded by her role.  She is learning self sacrifice and His love.  She serves only Him and her burden is light.  She makes time for solitude.  As Charles Stanley once said, "Busyness does always mean more fruitfulness."
Philippians 2:3 says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself."  
I can't help it, but one of the biggest eye openers I have witnessed in the area of idol worship for christian women is...ready...I almost hate to type it, but the American idol award for the 21st century goes to...COLLEGE.  Ack!  How can something so good be an idol??  Does God say college is wrong, even evil?  No, He doesn't, but worshipping it, finding self worth from accomplishing it, sacrificing time with your husband and your children to achieve it, and neglecting your responsibility for guarding the home to pursue it is wrong. Here is a for instance.
If your employer hired you to design webpages for his company and you designed your own webpage company during the hours he has entrusted you to work for him, you would be considered irresponsible and in the wrong.  To be a faithful worker means devoting time to the master's plans.  Neglecting to stay focused on the job at hand will cost you productivity or loss of a job.  I truely believe mothers and wives need to be fulfilling God's plan for women by staying home and fulfilling their roles as homemakers.  More effort is focused on careers outside the home than in the home.  College today does not groom women for homemaking, instead it becomes the tool with which Satan uses to distract women from their greater purpose.  Even when college days are over and starting a family begins, women begin to find a new struggle.  I speak from experience.  Here are a few statements I have heard in the past seven years as being a mom.
"I feel guilty about not using my degree after spending so much money on it."
"I need more education, so I will spend my nights pursuing another degree."
"Who am I anymore since my days revolve around my kids?"
And I say once more that college is not evil, nor is exercise, nor is having nice things, but when we make it our selfish ambition, we have made it an idol.

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