Thursday, January 20, 2011

Simplifying again...

Simplifying is an ongoing discipline for me. I don't simplify one day and then mark it on it on my calendar until next year.
Simplifying is a must for a healthy home. Decluttering a drawer or your schedule are ways to make room for mental rest.
Today I dropped one activity from my weekly schedule. Look for the one activity that isn't really producing joy or fruit in your life and get rid of it. If you feel a sense of relief, you probably picked the right one.
Also, I sorted out all of my dresser drawers. Getting rid of what isn't being worn and refolding the clothes that will stay helps me see what I have, so that when I shop, I can truly know what I need.
When I take the time to simplify, I feel the stress leaving and my home seems more peaceful.
One of the best tips I have used is the idea of spring cleaning throughout your week and not leaving it for spring when you'd rather be outdoors gardening anyway. Add one task to your weekly schedule, whether it be clean one kitchen drawer out the same day you clean your kitchen or windex windows that are in the room you are cleaning, instead of setting out a whole day just to do the windows.
If you have any ideas to share, please post. If you need help getting starting check out:
Happy Cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. Chris and I have been in a great mood to purge! I like this post :)

    My grandma's rule for a more simpler, or less cluttered, life:

    If you haven't used it in three years, toss it!

    This is rather hard to follow at times, but if you think about...
