Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I love finding a Janette Oke book at the library that I haven't read yet.  Snow is in the forecast for the next two days, so that means lots of time to snuggle in and escape to another time.  While many scramble to the grocery store to fill their homes with food for the next few days, I make sure I stop at the library and grab two weeks worth of books for me and the kids...movies included. 

Living in the Adirondack mountains for 6 years had taught me well how to occupy myself and my kids during the long winter months.  There were times that we didn't leave the house for a week, not even to go outside because the temptature was below what the children could handle. 

We leave schedules for another day and play moment to moment.  Maybe an early morning movie starts our day.  Forts made with every blanket in the house are built by midmorning.  Playing school or playdoh entertains minds and hands for a good hour.  Storytime comes and goes throughout the day.  Baking from scratch and pretending we are the Ingalls is always a favorite in our home.  And so, winter days are not drudgery.  We do not long for summer days, because we are shut in.  Instead, we fall in love with the beauties that winter holds that summer cannot match and enjoy the moments given to us.


  1. I've loved Little House since I can remember but I got hooked on Janette Oke while I was in the third grade. My teacher used them for read aloud time. It's been a long time since I've read any of them though. Stay warm and have fun!

  2. Since I never read christian fiction, I feel like a kid again. I am reading this one to Olivia bc she is sick.

  3. Wait, is this the story about the two sisters, and the one is interested in a guy named Dylan?

  4. so far it's about two w a lazy eye and one who is smart. :0)

  5. That sounds right. I think I read that one a long time ago. I liked it!
