Thursday, September 8, 2011

Making Deposits of Joy

Tasha Tudor's illustrations always bring me joy.  Sometimes I have to sit back and ask myself "Why?"  What is it about these drawings that click in my mind and spirit as pure joy?  Most of the time, the adults or children are captured doing the everyday things of life like rocking a baby or knitting, as this picture portrays. 
 I believe it is the evidence of contentment in each drawing.  Everyone is enjoying the moment, the blessing God has given them for that moment in time.  The illustrations are reflections of everyday life, work, family, seasons, holidays, etc.
  As we know, life can weigh us down with its overwhelming burdens to get it all done today.  Jesus said, "Come unto me, all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest."  What a promise and challenge to us in such a busy modern culture!  The interesting thing is...Jesus spoke these words over 2,000 years ago to a culture different from ours. 
 It goes to show you that people burden themselves for one reason or another.  Usually it has to do with living a life outside the dependence of a Heavenly Father, but even His children get bogged down with the stresses of the day.  Learning to find what is important for the day and getting only that accomplished is always the battle. 
So where does wisdom come in and how can we bring in into our crowded schedules?  Before searching for this wisdom, realize it is not about finding perfection.  This life and its fallenness will never find a perfect rhythm, a perfect method, or perfect schedule to control the effects of sin. 
Jesus does offer us something though that the world cannot...Himself.  "Come unto ME and I will give you rest."  I am not God, so I cannot tell you exactly what and all Jesus means by this other than He wants you to come to Him.  Not with a attitude of fear like you are about to be scolded by the teacher, because you didn't perform appropriately, but with an open heart because you know this Saviour loves you and desires you know the secrets of His kingdom.  He wants to give you what He has, what He experiences, what He knows, and what the world cannot offer...His peace. 
Start your day like Mary the feet of Jesus, ready to hear Him.  Hearing the Holy Spirit speak into your soul will first satisfy you and then lead you into your day's work or rest.  God gives us both, so you need to hear what day God has prepared for you. 
Being six months pregnant and caring for my husband and three children, under the age of 7, challenges me to change my daily vision from working all day to resting more than usual when I am not expecting. 
Watching the seasons of life God allows you to be in is a key to walking in wisdom.  Life comes with limits in each season of our lives, so instead of trying to squeeze in last seasons tasks with God's new season for you, ease up, sit back, and examine the new limits.  The limits are meant to help you lighten the load and focus on what is truly important for that moment of time.  
The deposits of joy you are making differently from one season to the next is another key to wisdom and contentment. 
Personal examples from my life:
When fall comes, I bake more and craft less, because I love the smells of baking in the fall.
When winter comes, I get out of the house less, so I read more or deep clean the house more.
When spring comes, I want to be out of the house, so I garden more and read less.
When summer comes, I am busier with the kids, so the housecleaning takes a backseat.
Instead of stressing myself out and trying to do everything in every season, I switch my priorities around to accompany my limits.  Being pregnant is another rescheduling in of itself. 
So like Tasha Tudor's illustrations of life, I stop to see what is only being done in the picture.  Usually only one part of life is being captured, because truthfully, that is all God gives us.  One moment to ice skate on the pond, one hour to knit, one year to nurse a baby.  Then the reward of wisdom comes, the true sense of contentment.  Being with God in that moment of time is a gift to us that reminds us He is always with us. Whether we are stirring the soup or plowing the field, whether we are sick in bed or helping the sick, whether we have a house full of guests or a house full of quiet...He is always there bringing us joy.


  1. Thank you for your insights Kristen! It was very much appreciated today!

  2. This is so encouraging! Even without any kids, I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately, and trying to cram everything in. I like your suggestion to switch around the tasks/activities for various times/seasons. And also the reminder to be content. As Ann Voskamp would say, "slow down, life is not an emergency!" :) And the art/picture is beautiful. Thanks, Kristen!

  3. thanks ladies! savor the moment.
